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ISMPP offers many eLearn opportunities including ISMPP Universities and Courses with presentations from meetings. Bookmark this page for our Featured Live Events.

ISMPP Universities are 60-min. live webinars on timely topics and free for ISMPP members or $49 for non-members. Join ISMPP to save money and reap the many ways ISMPP membership benefits you! Share your expertise by presenting an ISMPP U - submit the ISMPP U Call for Proposal form.

Membership Highlights:
• Network with thousands of professionals
• Stay up to date with tons of education, including free webinars
• Get certified for career advancement

Sponsor an ISMPP U - sponsors receive the following exclusive benefits:

  • Brand logo on the webinar registration page.
  • Dedicated slide with your company's value proposition read by the moderator during the live webinar.
  • Recognition as the generous sponsor in ISMPP communications and/or social media channels (reaching over 5,000 members and non-members).
  • Plus, lifetime archive on our Learning Management System for continuous visibility and countless additional impressions at no extra charge!

Featured Live Events
