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ISMPP U - 20th Annual Meeting Member Research Orals (May 29th, 2024)

Member Research Oral Presentations from the 20th Annual Meeting of ISMPP. This year’s theme, 'Storytelling: Its Art and Power,' highlighted the transformative role of art in storytelling within healthcare and medical communications. The storytelling concepts and tools learned during the session helped our professionals to find ways to break down stigmas, combat misinformation, help change perceptions, and ultimately improve patient care.

Join us for a series of research presentations featuring the Oral Presentations from the recent 20th Annual Meeting of ISMPP. Pertinent topics will be featured – An AI approach to analyze the context of publication citations, Examining the time- and effort-saving utility of tailored AI-tooling for abstract plain language summary development, and Using Storytelling to Communicate Complex Science: a Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Narrative Properties of Journal Articles on Genetic Medicines.

Approved for 1 CMPP credit