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Slaying the Three Headed Dragon

Learning Objectives
  • Learn of KODAP3, a three-headed dragon whose bites inject apathy, frustration, and cynicism into our veins, why this combination of toxins is so deadly, and how this relates to our mental wellness within the broader Armored Knight program.
  • Recognize and fight the signs of apathy, no matter if you’re still in the initial stages or if you’ve already advance to full-blown apathy. An exercise will help you discover the weak spots in your armor where apathy gets through, and how to stop it from happening to your current passions.
  • Fight frustration or use it to your advantage—the choice is yours. Use short-term frustrations as an emotion to fuel your plan of action to avoid future frustrations. Review and eliminate long-term frustrations, or learn to accept them.
  • Combating cynicism within ourselves is the last step in ridding ourselves of this nefarious dragon. An effective countermeasure is practicing thankfulness and gratitude, another way this lesson ties into the overall Armored Knight curriculum.
Course Description
Identifies and confronts the threat of psychological disengagement caused by apathy, frustration, and cynicism—the Three-Headed Dragon who stalks the unsuspecting, leading to isolation in life and disengagement at work.