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Becoming an Armored Knight

Learning Objectives
  • Dive into psychological strength, our overall mental wellbeing, hardiness, and grit. Use exercises to discover your purpose, which is the foundation of psychological strength.
  • Building psychological strength requires enforcing the four components that comprise it: our cognitive strength, our behavioral strength, our emotional strength, and our spiritual strength. Tools and exercises are used to develop a personal plan to build each of these domains.
  • Completely optional faith-based lesson provides additional material and tools regarding spiritual strength, for those who put their faith in a higher power.
  • Review each of your plans daily or weekly to continue improving after completing the course
Course Description
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to build your Psychological Strength to better weather the storms of modern life? If you agree, this is the place to start. We’ll walk you through discovering (or re-discovering) a life purpose to guide your actions. Then learn how to build up the four parts of Psychological Strength (Cognitive, Behavioral, Emotional, and Spiritual Strengths). Finally, we ask you to begin this pursuit deliberately making purposeful choices in pursuit of better mental well-being.