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Trending Tech - 3 Part Series

Session 1: Emerging Technologies – What Info Pros Need to Know
Technology is revolutionizing all research fields, but it is particularly impacting intelligence work. In an era where data is democratized, what technology will most forward our work? What technology is changing business models? How will our every day research and analysis be impacted? Hear about the evolution of technologies to where we are today. Gain an understanding of technologies like artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and convergence that are impacting info pros and intelligence practitioners at all levels, and consider how we can embrace technological change to be more efficient and better workers.

  • Understand what tech is coming
  • Appreciate how tech can be incorporated into info pro work
  • Get excited about new tech
Session 2: Blockchain Possibilities: Investigation Findings
A 6-week MOOC, Blockchain & Decentralization for the Information Industries (which took place in spring 2019), and the ALA Future Series publication, Blockchain, are two of the most recent outcomes of an 18-month investigation conducted by Drs. Sandy Hirsh and Sue Alman, of San Jose State University iSchool. The project, funded by IMLS, resulted in a Library 2.0 online conference, Blockchain National Forum, website and blog development, and numerous presentations and webinars. To date there are no concrete examples of blockchain applications in libraries, but there are plenty of ideas on the ways that blockchain technology might be used. The participants in the Blockchain National Forum and the chapter authors in the ALA book have proposed ideas for use cases. They have also identified key legal, security, and standards issues that the profession must address in the development and implementation of blockchain projects.

Learn about the resources that are available from the website and conferences, and hear about the micro-projects that have been suggested including ILL vouchers, community based collections, and a universal library card. Consider the possibilities that would enable you and your library to develop a blockchain micro-project.

Session 3: Social Media: Worth the Effort?
With all the turmoil around social media platforms in the past few years, is it really worthwhile using them, for your organization or for yourself? Do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Social media expert Scott Brown covers some of the latest and most relevant uses of social media for your library, information organization, and career. He also discusses ways to maximize your time and minimize risk. You’ll come away with a better understanding of
  • How to use social tools creatively to market your services
  • Which leading-edge practices are most effective
  • Why LinkedIn still matters to your career