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Work Smarter, Not Harder: Leveraging Workflow and Marketing Efficiencies - July 24,2024

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Learn about how integrated auction technology and tools can help dramatically reduce the hours spent every week on auction admin tasks. Learn how you can increase exposure for your events across white label and marketplaces while having fewer third-party relationships to manage. Multi-marketplace competitive bidding is here – see case studies of other auctioneers who have embraced this new technology to dramatically boost the engagement at their auctions, while reducing overhead.

Upon completing this session, you will be able to:

  1. Reduce your monthly expenditure on auction admin hours
  2. Understand how you can expand your visibility into multiple marketplaces and white label by leveraging just one relationship
  3. Create multi-marketplace, competitive bidding environments for both Timed and Live Auctions
  4. Put hours back into your week to focus your staff’s time on revenue generating activities

Thank you to our session sponsor, ATG!

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