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20th Annual Meeting of ISMPP Poster Archives (2024)

All contents (c) 2024 International Society for Medical Publication Professionals, Inc. (ISMPP). ISMPP will grant limited permission to use the 20th Annual Meeting of ISMPP Presentations for personal, non-commercial use. Such use is permitted only if you accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license agreement. Please read this license carefully before entering this portion of the website and before using the Posters in any manner.

By using these Posters, you hereby accept and agree that: use of the Posters, and their content, shall be for individual, personal, and non-commercial reference and use only; and, the Posters shall be used only pursuant to the terms of this license agreement. The Posters, and their content, are proprietary information of ISMPP and/or the individual authors. The contents of the Posters may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, copied, disseminated, or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for individual, personal, and non-commercial reference and use.

View the original abstracts in CMRO