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DISCUS International Webinar Series - Part 4: Imports & Distribution

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The DISCUS International Webinar Series aims to provide U.S. spirits producers with the knowledge and tools to maximize international opportunities. In this webinar, industry representatives from the United Kingdom, Canada, and U.S. will share what obstacles to address or avoid when exploring export opportunities. Speakers will share insights into what information they seek (quantity, pricing, regulatory compliance, timing, etc.) when meeting with distilleries, and what type of products buyers in Canada and the UK are currently looking to add to their portfolios. DISCUS staff will provide a sneak peek at a soon to be issued DISCUS report to help U.S. distillers who have had no previous knowledge of the import process into Canada/Ontario or the process of selling to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO).


  • Robert Maron

    Robert Maron, Vice President of International Trade at DISCUS, works to promote and protect the U.S. spirits sector’s interests in trade agreements and to monitor and address regulatory developments that affect exports of U.S.-produced distilled spirits. In April 2020, Rob was appointed to serve as the Chair the Agricultural Technical Committee for Trade in Processed Foods, which provides technical advice on U.S. agricultural trade issues to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

  • Michael Vachon

    Michael is co-founder of Maverick Drinks, a specialist drinks distribution company, which has helped countless craft drinks brands to scale globally. Maverick Drinks’ disruptive approach to brand building saw the business win multiple awards before being acquired by ZX Ventures (as part of Atom Group) in 2018. Having sold and exited two businesses, he understands the challenges of early stage businesses and brings his deep network and experience of route-to-market to help this business scale.

  • Kevin Pearson

    VP Sales and with Lynx. Live and work in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have experience from all sides of liquor sales, from being the General manager of bars and restaurants to running Liquor store locations. I’ve also spent over 7 years as the head buyer and developer for a group of bars here in Calgary. Education in Civil Engineering technology but choose to pursue my career in the liquor industry. World travels also on the resume, lived in South Africa and UK growing up. Family life at the minute with 2 beautiful children taking the lions share of my personal time.

  • Nick Worthington

    Former Global Commercial Director at Big Drop Brewing Co., Nick is DrinksOne's
    Global drinks expert, commercially minded with an entrepreneurial spirit, and
    over 20 years expertise within the industry.

    Nick has a unique skill set having worked globally across Beer, wine, spirits and
    non-alcoholic sectors, across brand management, marketing and commercial
    development. Nick has also managed and owned a drinks-focused sales and
    marketing agency as well as on-trade venues.

    Nick is currently supporting founders and senior leadership teams in start up
    through to scale up businesses to help accelerate their growth. His specialisms
    include: export and import solutions, brand creation and refresh, go-to market
    strategies, distribution growth solutions and recruitment.

March 9, 2023
Thu 1:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 0M

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