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WEB042023A - Recorded Webinar (4/20/23): Health Law and Regulations in 2023 and Beyond

Welcome to your ACHE Recorded Webinar: Health Law and Regulations in 2023 and Beyond

Presented on:

April 20, 2023
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Central time

For the best learning experience, this webinar is delivered in a course format which allows you to:
1. View the webinar recording
2. Complete a program evaluation
3. Claim your ACHE Qualifying Education Credit
4. View your certificate of completion

American voters divided the federal government in the November 2022 midterm elections. With neither party in leadership of both houses, Congress is unlikely to pass new legislation related to healthcare before 2025. Does this mean the legal regulations and compliance will remain status quo for healthcare executives? Certainly not.

This webinar catalogs the abundance of regulations currently in process subject to legislation passed by the last Congress. Focus will be given to the implications of drug price negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and the numerous health policy initiatives contained in last December’s omnibus bill. Currently, states are more actively legislating than the federal government. This webinar will look at current trends in Medicaid expansion, the regulation of abortion and other statutes that differ from the political powers within the states. To round out the review of what is happening in the legal regulation of healthcare, health law expert Sarah F. Fontenot, JD, will end the webinar with a look at the current U.S. Supreme Court docket and what to expect from case law currently working its way through the federal court system.

Attendees will leave with predictions for the health law landscape through next year and with tips for which areas of healthcare policy and legislation leaders should focus future attention to remain ahead of the curve.

Learning Objectives:

  • Appraise the legislative landscape in a divided Congress and anticipate future rules and regulations stemming from 2021 and 2022 legislation.
  • Address the significance of drug price negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act and the implications of health policy initiatives passed in December’s omnibus bill.
  • Investigate legislative efforts at the state level, including how one court case in Texas could interfere with oral medication abortions nationally, and the current U.S. Supreme Court docket.

Presented By:

Sarah F. Fontenot, JD

Adjunct Professor, Health Law, Department of Healthcare Administration
Trinity University (1997–2022)

Continuing Education Credit

This webinar is worth 1 ACHE Qualifying Education Credit. Upon completion, your Qualifying Education Credits will be automatically uploaded to your account.

How to Participate:
This course includes pre-survey, and a recorded presentation followed by a program evaluation to gather your feedback.

After you complete all course requirements, you may generate a certificate of completion.

CEUs will be applied to your account once you complete all of the course items.

Next Steps:
Proceed to the Pre-Survey below.