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WEB041423A - Recorded Webinar (4/14/23): Leading with Your Upper Brain

Welcome to your ACHE Recorded Webinar: Leading with Your Upper Brain

Presented on:

April 14, 2023
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Central time

For the best learning experience, this webinar is delivered in a course format which allows you to:
1. View the webinar recording
2. Complete a program evaluation
3. Claim your ACHE Qualifying Education Credit
4. View your certificate of completion

A perfect storm of factors has come together that puts employee engagement and wellbeing front and center: a rapidly changing industry that requires people to be at the top of their game, a stressed-out, traumatized post- COVID workforce, debilitating staff shortages, and a talent pool that is rethinking what they expect and demand from the leadership of their organizations. What all of this means for leaders is we MUST be able to build meaningful relationships with employees and connect with them in ways that unlock and encourage their highest performance while maintaining a high level of personal wellness. This program will describe elements of a performance management system based on neuroscience research. It will demonstrate how the brains of people respond to critical external stimuli affecting performance and wellbeing; specifically the response to the behavior of their leaders and team members. The speaker will use cutting edge neuroscience research to validate how a positive neuro connection with a leader builds trust, instills hope, and otherwise affects team members’ brain functions in a way that leads to overall team success and promotes a culture of wellbeing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate the connection between key performance outcomes (what leaders want) and how the human brain functions to create those outcomes.
  • Identify the four brain types and how they differ in response to negative stress that disrupts the performance functions of the human brain.
  • Validate the connection between an individual’s leader behavior and the predictable performance outcomes of that leader’s team.

Presented By:

Michael E. Frisina, PhD

ACHE faculty member and author of Leading with Your Upper Brain: How to Create the Behaviors that Unlock Performance Excellence and Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Healthcare.

Continuing Education Credit

This webinar is worth 1 ACHE Qualifying Education Credit. Upon completion, your Qualifying Education Credits will be automatically uploaded to your account.

How to Participate:
This course includes pre-survey, and a recorded presentation followed by a program evaluation to gather your feedback.

After you complete all course requirements, you may generate a certificate of completion.

CEUs will be applied to your account once you complete all of the course items.

Next Steps:
Proceed to the Pre-Survey below.