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WEB041123A - Recorded Webinar (4/11/23): Addressing Healthcare Executive Burnout: It's Not Only You

Welcome to your ACHE Recorded Webinar: Addressing Healthcare Executive Burnout: It's Not Only You

Presented on:

April 11, 2023
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Central time

For the best learning experience, this webinar is delivered in a course format which allows you to:
1. View the webinar recording
2. Complete a program evaluation
3. Claim your ACHE Qualifying Education Credit
4. View your certificate of completion

Burnout is taking its toll on healthcare leaders, data show—nearly three-quarters of executives in a recent WittKieffer survey say they've experienced it of late. This isn't surprising, given the multiple crises facing healthcare executives: and it jeopardizes not only executive quality of life but also their ability to lead innovatively and compassionately through transformation. This imperils providers, patients and staff: in other words, it negatively impacts us all. This session shares findings from WittKieffer's survey report on executive burnout, invites open Q&A, and provides recommendations for boards, CEOs and executives to work together to stem the tide of a severe, systemic issue.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify common causes of executive burnout.
  • Describe research-backed strategies for healthcare executives to take to reduce burnout in their organizations.

Presented By:

Rachel Polhemus
Senior Partner, Healthcare

Susan M. Snyder
Managing Partner, Leadership Advisory

Continuing Education Credit

This webinar is worth 1 ACHE Qualifying Education Credit. Upon completion, your Qualifying Education Credits will be automatically uploaded to your account.

How to Participate:
This course includes pre-survey, and a recorded presentation followed by a program evaluation to gather your feedback.

After you complete all course requirements, you may generate a certificate of completion.

CEUs will be applied to your account once you complete all of the course items.

Next Steps:
Proceed to the Pre-Survey below.