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WEB120122A - Recorded Webinar (12/1/22): Health Law in 2023: Looking Ahead

Welcome to your ACHE Recorded Webinar: Health Law in 2023: Looking Ahead

Presented on:

December 1, 2022
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Central time

For the best learning experience, this webinar is delivered in a course format which allows you to:
1. View the webinar recording
2. Complete a program evaluation
3. Claim your ACHE Qualifying Education Credit
4. View your certificate of completion

On Dec. 1, when the midterm elections are behind us, we will know much more about the direction of healthcare in 2023. Will President Biden’s healthcare agenda continue, or will it be hindered (and possibly reversed) by a new GOP-controlled Congress? Regardless of which party is in control, will Congress make a difference in the local issues of closing hospitals, the nursing shortage and workforce sustainability? As post-Dobbs realities result in vast differences in access to abortion and related services, are states recognizing legal processes, such as subpoenas, convictions and restrictions on telemedicine across borders? What are the priorities for the Department of Health and Human Services in the new year, and how can healthcare executives plan and prepare? These are the issues up for review during this fast-paced webinar on the status of health law in the United States.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine the implications of the 2022 midterm elections on the Biden administration’s healthcare agenda in 2023.
  • Review the status of rural healthcare, hospital closures, the nursing shortage, and concerns for the health and future of the workforce.
  • Evaluate the ramifications if states do not recognize enforcement actions for cross-border travel, telehealth and other efforts to bring abortion services where they are now prohibited.

Presented By:

Sarah F. Fontenot, JD
Adjunct Professor, Health Law, Department of Healthcare Administration
Trinity University
Continuing Education Credit

This webinar is worth 1 ACHE Qualifying Education Credit. Upon completion, your Qualifying Education Credits will be automatically uploaded to your account.

How to Participate:
This course includes pre-survey, and a recorded presentation followed by a program evaluation to gather your feedback.

After you complete all course requirements, you may generate a certificate of completion.

CEUs will be applied to your account once you complete all of the course items.

Next Steps:
Proceed to the Pre-Survey below.