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WEB072821A - Recorded Webinar (07/28/21): Mid-Year and Mid-Stream: What's Next for Healthcare Law in 2021

Welcome to your ACHE Recorded Webinar: Mid-Year and Mid-Stream: What’s Next for Healthcare Law in 2021

Presented on:

July 28, 2021
11 a.m.–12 p.m. Central time

In design for the best learning experience, this webinar is delivered in a course format which allows you to:
1. View the webinar recording
2. Complete a program evaluation
3. Claim your ACHE Qualifying Education Credit
4. View your certificate of completion

This webinar is eligible for 1 ACHE Qualifying Education Credit.

How to Participate:
This course includes pre-survey, and a webinar recording followed by a program evaluation to gather your feedback.

After you complete all course requirements, you may generate a certificate of completion.

CEUs will be applied to your account once you complete all of the course items.

Next Steps:
Proceed to the Pre-Survey below.

As the country climbs out of the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic and dust from the initial legislative flurry from the new administration settles, where does healthcare law and policy stand and what is on the horizon? What are we hearing from the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the rest of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services? How are Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court decisions setting the stage for the rest of the year and beyond?

As we move into the latter half of 2021, join this webinar to learn more about the ins and outs of healthcare law and policy in the current administration, and the implications for healthcare executives now and in the near future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the current state of healthcare law and policy following the first half of 2021
  • Identify approaches that healthcare executives can take to best plan for the impact of healthcare law and policy on their work

Presented By:
Sarah F. Fontenot, JD, Adjunct Professor, Health Law, Trinity University