CRT2239 Understanding anxiety in students

Presenter: David Vinegrad

There has been an increase in numbers of students who are suffering from anxiety during the COVID pandemic. Anxiety, while a normal feeling, can create a barrier for students to learn or achieve their full potential. Students who are overly anxious can often isolate themselves from classroom interactions and/or exhibit inappropriate behaviour. In this session we will explore techniques that you can use when you are working with students who suffer from anxiety helping you to reengage the students. These significant student health issues are a challenge for teachers on short term placements, but having the ability to recognise the issue, report the issue to the school leadership and to ensure that your actions do not exacerbate the behaviour will enhance your reputation in the school.

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Standards addressed:
  • 1.1.2 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of learners
  • 1.2.2 Understand how learners learn