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Technology-based contingency management to promote smoking cessation


Contingency management (CM) is one of the most efficacious interventions to promote drug abstinence. Under CM interventions, desirable consequences such as goods or services are provided contingent on objective evidence of abstinence. Traditionally, CM has been delivered in person so that clinicians could confirm abstinence and provide access to additional therapeutic services. Now, new technologies not only permit remote confirmation of abstinence, but also remote delivery of incentives. I will discuss several technology-based tools to monitor cigarette smoking, and new ways to deliver CM to promote abstinence. These new tools have the potential to dramatically increase access while maintaining high levels of treatment fidelity. They also allow new ways of arranging contingencies that harness natural, online communities and consequences. Overall, there are unprecedented opportunities to link technology with CM to promote smoking cessation.

This webinar is sponsored by SRNT's Treatment Research Network.


  • Jesse Dallery

    Jesse is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida, a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Florida, and Deputy Director of the Treatment Development and Implementation Core at the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health at Dartmouth. Jesse received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Emory University, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Behavioral Pharmacology. Jesse’s research focuses on integrating information technologies with behavioral interventions for cigarette smoking and other health-related behavior (e.g., physical activity, medication adherence). Jesse also conducts translational research on choice and decision making in the human laboratory, with a special emphasis on quantitative models of operant behavior. He has published over eighty articles in a diverse range of peer-reviewed journals, and he has received grant support from the National Institutes of Health and from the National Science Foundation. He is co-editor of the book Behavioral Health Care and Technology: Using Science-Based Innovations to Transform Practice. Jesse is a former Associate Editor for The Behavior Analyst and Behavioural Processes, and Special Topics Associate Editor (substance abuse) for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. In 2014, he was named a Teacher of the Year in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He is a fellow in Division 25 of the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Behavior Analysis International. 

March 13, 2019
Wed 10:00 AM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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