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Precision Medicine for Nicotine Dependence Seminar

Researchers focused on the pharmacogenetics of nicotine addiction treatment have conducted multiple studies that have contributed to an evidence base that will allow individuals and providers to select which medication would be the most optimal for smoking cessation. In this seminar, Dr. Caryn Lerman (USC, USA) discusses the history of precision therapy and the process model that is used to iteratively inform the future use of this treatment. An introduction and summary discussion are provided by Robert Schnoll, PhD (University of Pennsylvania, USA).

By completing this seminar, the learners will:

  • Gain a good understanding of previous research that has led to the development of precision therapy via nicotine metabolism
  • Learn how nicotine metabolism rate (NMR) is measured
  • Understand how NMR may be used to tailoring treatments (e.g., nicotine replacement therapy vs non-nicotine therapies)
  • Appreciate the difference in efficacy of precision therapy in clinical trials versus real world applications
  • Comprehend the process model for precision therapy, including the challenges in how to proceed with future research.
SRNT-U is grateful for the assistance of Liz Miller at the University of Arizona in developing the quiz for this seminar.