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10.3.24 | The Legal Labyrinth of AI Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Research Administration | A Series of SRAI Webinars

Both researchers and those managing the research process are in a brave new world of artificial intelligence (AI). Issues affected by AI include those arising from research into AI, research using AI, research administration and management using AI, and protecting individuals, institutions, and society as a whole from AI gone wrong. The legal issues to be addressed are diverse and often not subject to any clear precedent. This webinar will begin to deal with the many areas of discussion and conflict that are subject to the dawn of Artificial Intelligence as reality instead of science fiction.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify and address key legal considerations throughout the AI research lifecycle, from proposal development to deployment.
  2. Gain a practical understanding of managing intellectual property (IP) and mitigating potential security risks and misrepresentation risks associated with AI research.
Knowledge Level: Basic

Individual Registration:
Member Price: $99
Non-Member Price: $165