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Research in Fire Engineering: Understanding Fire Growth and Flame Spread in Developing a Design Fire

Live Webinar: July 30th, 2024, from 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. EDT (-4 UTC)

Developing a characteristic design fire lies at the heart of many aspects of fire engineering. The time-resolved development of a fire heat release rate (HRR) is the integrated effect of various competing phenomena. The following will present fire test data - from the bench-scale to full-scale furniture calorimetry - to demonstrate the driving factors of fire growth rate. The presentation will also touch on the concept of flame spread and the implications of different flame spread regimes on fire growth.

Learning Objectives:
Participants in this webinar are expected to learn:

  1. To link the observed HRR growth rate for complex fuels to various physical phenomena
  2. To understand the role particular phenomena, such as flame spread, play on the development of a fire curve

David Morrisset, PhD Student - University of Edinburgh

Professional Development Credits:
1.0 PDH

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