Live Member Webinar: Addressing Warehouse Sprinkler Design and Fire Service Disconnect

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A spate of major fires in very-large warehouses has renewed a long-standing concern about the ability of the fire service to complete final extinguishment as anticipated by various fire sprinkler standards. Some large property insurers define final extinguishment as when all burned material is removed from the building so that a rekindle cannot occur. This presentation is from the perspective of a fire protection engineer who deals with warehouse sprinkler designs almost daily and was also a 19-year fire fighter with operational firefighting experience in very-large warehouses.


  • John Frank

    John Frank began his career as a full-time military firefighter in the United States Air Force. He was an Assistant Fire Chief at a logistics base with several large warehouses. He started in the HPR insurance industry in 1990. In that field, he attended numerous full-scale storage tests and works on warehouse fire protection designs almost every day. He was a volumeter firefighter in a metro Atlanta department where he conducted many pre-planning sessions. Over his career, he gained operational firefighting experience with large warehouses. 

February 20, 2024
Tue 11:00 AM EST

Duration 1H 0M

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