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Tribal Relations: Consultation Tools for Archive Managers Working with Tribal Communities | September 13, 2023

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Indigenous cultural competence and awareness is essential for Non-Indigenous archive managers in building relationships and respectful partnerships with Tribal communities. Professional archive managers and archivists managing Indigenous cultural and historical information must have a level of cultural understanding in how Indigenous communities utilizes and interact with archival materials towards Tribal sovereignty and cultural identity.

Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
  • Identify local/regional Tribal communities within the institution's regional locations and acknowledge past practices that may have hindered meaningful relationships between the institution and local/regional Tribal communities.
  • Gain an overview of the cultural significance of archival materials for Tribal communities.
  • Understand the cultural and social values of Tribal communities and overview of Tribal governance, specifically how it applies to the management of Indigenous-centric information.
  • Understand the importance of culturally respectful communications with Tribal leadership, employees, and community members.
  • Gain an overview on how to develop a cultural responsiveness collaboration model when working with Tribal communities.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is for archivists, mid-level archivist managers, or administrators managing archive collections pertaining to Tribal communities. This workshop is designed for western institutions seeking to establish collaborative partnership with Tribal communities over existing collections. This workshop will not be focusing on acquiring materials from Tribal communities.

You will have access to this product for 60 days from the date of purchase.

Click the Resources tab above to access a PDF of the presentation slides and the webcast exam (if applicable).
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