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G22 Digital Preservation for Languages


This poster is about digitally preserving endangered languages. It describes the focus of a research paper that discusses ways digital preservation has been extended to apply to different language groups and dialects. With the advent of newer technologies there has been more progress in the area of digital preservation that has been beneficial to languages, by making it possible to preserve them. Many languages are considered endangered, as they may only have a few speakers left. Compounding this, many languages are oral, which means that the loss of the language would be permanent. This loss would mean more than just words dying out as languages are the bridge between the people and their culture. In terms of how digital preservation can go about protecting endangered languages there are several formats that are very useful in capturing and preserving languages. These include audio files and recordings, videos, and even documents that show the script of endangered languages. Furthermore, there are various projects that are involved in preserving languages that showcase the methods people deploy, and how they use various different resources to help preserve languages for people around the world. These projects include the Aikuma app, The Rosetta Project, and other offshoots of the Rosetta Project, such as the 300 Languages project, to name a few. So, digital language preservation allows a greater number of languages to be studied in new ways, as well as be protected, enabling people to have a deeper understanding of the world and humanity.