Writings Wrongs: A Written Exposure Therapy Consultation Group

Writings Wrongs
A Written Exposure Therapy Consultation Group

Have you ever wanted to learn about Written Exposure Therapy for the treatment of PTSD?

Starting Monday September 9th, the Oklahoma Counseling Institute will be hosting Dr. Caleb Lack for weekly consultation on utilizing Written Exposure Therapy for the treatment of trauma disorders. Written Exposure Therapy is an evidenced-based treatment that takes place over 5 sessions, requires minimal training, has no homework, and has been shown to work as well as 12 sessions of Cognitive Processing Therapy.
This consultation group will take place online on Mondays at 10:30 AM for 8 weeks. The first meeting will be Monday September 9th.

Can't make the live consultation? Want to re-watch the consultation? Register to access the weekly recordings!

Hurry! There are only 10 spots available!

Sessions will not count for continuing education credits. It is recommended that participants complete the recorded webinar, Written Exposure Treatment for PTSD before joining the consultation group.

Please arrange to have a current client with whom you plan to engage in Written Exposure Therapy.

For more information, call/text us at 405-440-3034 or send us an e-mail at hello@edmondcounseling.com

This consultation group is open to anyone, but members save everyday! Not a member? Click here to join or renew today!

Member Price: $180 Total for All 8 Sessions!
Non-Member Price: $225 Total for All 8 Sessions!


Facilitated by Dr. Caleb Lack

Caleb W. Lack, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and a Professor of Psychology at the University of Central Oklahoma. He is the best selling author or editor of six books, including "Critical Thinking, Science, & Pseudoscience: Why You Can’t Trust Your Brain" (co-authored with University of Cape Town philosopher Jacques Rousseau). He has also authored more than 60 scientific chapters and journal articles relating to the assessment and treatment of mental health difficulties. In addition, Dr. Lack frequently presents clinical trainings nationally and internationally, is on the editorial board of scientific journals, and is a reviewer for both journals and granting agencies.

Dr. Lack’s clinical interest in evidence-based practice developed while in graduate school for Clinical Psychology at Oklahoma State University and during his predoctoral internship in Clinical Child/Pediatric Psychology at the University of Florida. He specializes in the treatment of children and adults with anxiety disorders, trauma, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, such as chronic tics, Tourette’s Syndrome, trichotillomania, and excoriation. For further information, visit his website at www.caleblack.com.


Fall 2024 Consultation Dates
Monday September 9th
Monday September 16th
Monday September 23rd
Monday September 30th
Monday October 7th
Monday October 14th
Monday October 21st
Monday October 28th
Monday November 4th-MAKE UP