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NYSVMS Webinar: Ways to Efficiently Comply with New Side-Effects Law

NOTE: As of March 23 - NYSVMS is pushing new legislation to:

a) Extend implementation to 2024

b) Make it clear that the law does not apply to surgery or other in-house treatments

On May 15th a new law will go into effect requiring veterinarians to disclose side-effects.
The full text of the bill can be found here: S1289 A4978

The other information that the new bill requires are very similar to the existing prescribing and dispensing requirements in the NY Pharmacy Laws:
  • The name and the description of the drug
  • Directions for use
  • If available, manufacturers instructions for proper storage*
  • If available, manufacturer precautions and relevant warnings*
*These only apply if the manufacturer has provided information for the specific species the drug is being prescribed for.
We will showcase two companies that have experience helping veterinarians in California to comply with a similar law there:
  • LifeLearn
  • Plumbs Veterinary
Each will talk about how they can simplify the process of providing side-effect details, and some of the other features that can enhance client service.
Our Government Relations Counsel will also join us to provide some background on the law and our best guess about any additional regulations that may go into effect with the law.
After the presentations there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions.