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J 22-03 Evaluation and Conservative Management of Urinary Incontinence in Women

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J 22-03 Evaluation and Conservative Management of Urinary Incontinence in Women
(NPWH Activity Number J-22-03 NCC 2)

Lisa S. Pair, APRN, DNP, WHNP-BC, is Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Nursing in Birmingham, Alabama.

William E. Somerall, Jr., MD, MAEd is Associate Professor of Nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Nursing.

Target Audience This continuing education (CE) activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of nurse practitioners and other clinicians who provide women’s healthcare.

Approval CE Approval Period: Now through June 30, 2024
Post-tests must be completed during the approval period with a passing score of 70% or higher to earn CE. No refunds will be issued if the activity is not completed within the approval period.
This activity has been approved for 1.0 continuing education contact hours including 0.33 contact hours of pharmacology content

  1. Identify elements of history, physical exam, and in-office testing for diagnosis of UI.
  2. Discuss recommended nonpharmacologic management for UI.
  3. Describe indications, mechanism of action, efficacy, adverse events, and contraindications for pharmacologic options in treating UI.

Accreditation Statement This activity has been evaluated and approved by the Continuing Education Approval Program of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH) for 1.0 continuing education contact hours including 0.33 contact hours of pharmacology content.

Faculty Disclosures 
Lisa S. Pair, APRN, DNP, WHNP-BC has no actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this article.
William E. Somerall, Jr., MD, MAEd has no actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this article

Successful Completion Requires participants to:
  1. Read the objectives, disclosures, and disclaimers.
  2. Watch the activity and review the handout.
  3. Complete the post-test with a score of 70% or higher.
  4. Complete the session evaluation.
  5. Print your CE certificate.
  6. Go to your profile to view all earned certificates.

Commercial Support
This activity has no commercial support.

Member / Student Member: Free
Non-Member: $30.00