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TX-Sub Surface Drip Installation Methods - James Prochaska, P.E.

ABSTRACT: For over 20 years Texas has embraced drip dispersal as a means to deal with difficult areas, large daily flows or provide the most efficient and least intrusive method for effluent dispersal and final treatment. In this talk we will explore how site conditions including soils types, soil depth, local and site geography, restrictive horizons and other conditions will affect the success of using subsurface drip dispersal. We will explorer the roles of the site investigator, system designer and installer in making the application of drip dispersal a success. We will explore the practical rules for the use of drip dispersal and navigate the sometime confusing matrices of Tables I and Table XIII of SUBCHAPTER I: APPENDICES §285.90, §285.91.

Jim holds and Bachelor’s and Master of Science (Agricultural/Civil Engineering) from Texas A&M University. 1987, Mr. Prochaska began his extensive career in waste-water treatment and effluent reuse. Since that time, he has been responsible for the design and development of projects ranging from 300 gpd to 8 million gpd. His projects have included domestic, municipal and industrial waste-water generators. Since 1994, Mr. Prochaska has devoted the majority of his time towards the development of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal using subsurface drip irrigation. He has worked as a principal designer and reviewer on several of these projects, and has spent even more time training and educating engineers and sanitarians on how to design on-site systems. He has taken this technology to domestic, agricultural and food processing wastewater generators as an environmentally sound means of waste-water treatment and dispersal. Currently he is active throughout the United States in developing the onsite wastewater industry and the use of subsurface drip dispersal methods. Mr. Prochaska provides leadership and guidance in his principal role as President of JNM Technologies, Inc. In this capacity he along with his staff have developed and refined the most modern and effective methods used for wastewater effluent dispersal using subsurface drip irrigation. Under his leadership, the company has developed an extensive line of equipment including patented filtration processes, system controllers, installation methods and design aides. The equipment and applications range from single family homes to large, non-sewered communities.