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Safety and New Hires - Injuries that Can Impact a Business Legacy

Estimated contact time:
1 hour
  • NGWA: 0.1 CEU (1 CEU = 10 hours)
  • Per state: Varies, see specific state recognition in description
  • Continuing Education FAQs
Program description:
During this session, participants will learn the importance of safety training for new hires and the associated impacts of employees willingly or unwillingly committing an unsafe act. We will discuss behavioral psychology and statics of safety conditions specific to construction sites. The financial and legal ramifications of repetitive stress injuries and willful violations that can lead to criminal court will also be discussed.

State-specific CEU recognition:
  • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation — 1 CEU
  • Florida Water Well Contractors Continuing Education Program — 1 S/B CEC (expires 9/29/2025)
  • Georgia Environmental Protection Division — 1 hour
  • Idaho Ground Water Association – 1 CEC approval pending
  • Indiana Department of Natural Resources — 1 hour approval pending
  • Iowa Department of Natural Resources — 1 CEU
  • Kansas Ground Water Association – 1 CEU
  • Louisiana Department of Natural Resources — 1 credit hour approval pending
  • Maryland State Board of Well Drillers — 1 credit hour
  • Minnesota Department of Health — 1 contact hour
  • Montana Board of Water Well Contractors —1 CE
  • Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services — 1 CEU
  • New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services — approval pending
  • New Jersey Division of Water Supply & Geoscience — 1 CEP
  • North Dakota State Water Commission — 1 CEC
  • Ohio Department of Health – 1 CE
  • Oklahoma Water Resources Board — 1 CEU
  • Oregon Water Resources Department — 1 CEC
  • South Dakota Water Rights Program — 1 CEC
  • Tennessee Division of Water Resources — 1 CEU
  • Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – 1 Hour
  • Washington Department of Ecology — 1 CEU
  • West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources – 1 CEH approval pending
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – 1 CEC PIP; WDP/WDRO; HEDI/HEDRO (expires 1/24/2027)
  • Wyoming State Engineer’s Office – 1 CPC