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Hydrogeology of States Webinar Series: Florida

Estimated Contact Time: 1 hour

  • NGWA: 0.1 CEU (1 CEU = 10 hours)
  • Per state: Varies, see specific state recognition in description where applicable
  • Continuing Education FAQs
Program Description:
As hydrogeology varies widely across the United States — and as primary jurisdiction over groundwater development rests with the states — each is unique. This course is part of a series that explores the issues encountered in each of the 50 states — one at a time.

The Florida hydrogeology webinar, presented by Jason Bellina of the State of Florida USGS, focuses on the state’s:
  • Major aquifers
  • Physical and geologic properties
  • Groundwater use and availability
  • Groundwater quality and contamination
  • Surface water/groundwater interactions
  • Groundwater management issues.