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Hey, Hey, PFAS Go Away! The Forever Chemical That’s Finite

Estimated contact time: 1 hour

  • NGWA: 0.1 CEU (1 CEU = 10 hours)
  • Per state: Varies, see specific state recognition in description
  • Continuing Education FAQs
Program description:
We hear about it, it’s all around us, but what to make of it? You, as the installer, can make a difference in the fight to make PFAS go away. This workshop provides an overview of PFAS, the problems PFAS presents, pertinent guidelines and regulations, theoretical treatment technologies, and current PFAS treatment. This offering also addresses the business opportunities of profit, professional duties, selling practices, and installation, and remediation for the installer.

State-specific CEU recognition:
  • Maryland State Board of Well Drillers — 1 hour
  • Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section — 1 hour
  • Montana Board of Water Well Contractors — 1 hour
  • Nevada Division of Water Resources — .5 CEU
  • Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Well Driller and Pump Installer Program — 1 CEU
  • Tennessee Division of Water Resources, Drinking Water Unit — 1 hour
  • Wyoming Water Well Contractors Licensing Board — 1 hour