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03.29.2018 | Snow Drift Loading - Current Procedures and Future Directions

The webinar will provide a detailed review of the current ASCE 7 provisions for snow drift loading as well as expected future improvements. The current provisions to be covered include windward and leeward roof step drifts, unbalanced drift loads on gable roofs, as well as snow drifting at parapet walls, RTUs, and atop adjacent structures. Special attention will be paid to the mechanical basis for various geometric characteristics of these drifts.

The webinar will conclude with a discussion of three likely improvements to the ASCE 7 drift load provisions. The first is revision of the windward drift relations based upon recent Norwegian observations. The Norwegian observations lead to relations for wall heights capable of capturing snow flux and thereby preventing downwind drift formation. The final likely improvement relates to regional differences in “winter windiness” and resulting differences in expected drift size.

  • Course will award 1.5 hours of continuing education
  • This course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states. New York does not accept hours from recordings.