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Design Thinking for the Emerging-Level Coordinator

Develop a foundational understanding of the design thinking process in this Emerging-level course. Design thinking is a strategic framework that can help you solve problems, work through ideas, and improve your programs and services.

This course covers:

  • The role and power of design;
  • Intro to the design thinking process; and  
  • The design thinking process in action.
Take this course if you want explore the design-thinking process and how design principles can be used to solve problems and engage communities.

Estimated time to complete the course
1.5 hours

Take the full series
This is the first of three courses on Design Thinking for Coordinators. The courses build on each other, so we recommend taking all three courses, regardless of experience. The full series should take up to 6 hours to complete and you can take the courses at your own pace.

Certificate of Completion
To receive a certificate of completion, you must complete each lesson, all surveys, and pass the assessment with an 80% or higher proficiency score. You will have two opportunities to retake the assessment.

This course was developed in partnership with Vodden Labs and Studio, a human-centered design and marketing firm.