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FaceLinkTwitterBookPinstagram: Best Practices for Overcoming Social Media Overwhelm

Does social media feel like a blessing and a curse? A necessary evil? A giant time suck of negativity and drama? In
this episode of Ask The Pro, we'll explore how to overcome "Posting Pressure" and discuss marketing strategies to
make your social media time more effective (and less annoying!)

1. Avoid social media overwhelm
2. How to make the most of your social posts
3. Tools and apps to make managing your social channels easier and more efficient
4. How to use social media to target your market

Gina Schreck is ranked by LinkedIn as a Top 5 Global Guru for internet marketing. She also owns a growing chain of co-working spaces, and in her spare time she speaks to groups about social media marketing and digital marketing.

Gina is also the founder of SocialKNX, a digital marketing & social media management agency that helps people understand how to succeed in the social landscape.