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Business Productivity Apps - Asana, Slack, and Acuity Scheduling (CR1-739)

What are the best apps for my business? We hear this from clients every day. Although every solution is customized to the client, the goal of this session is to present one set of apps that can give you and your clients well-rounded business productivity.
There will be a live training on Asana for project management, Slack for internal messaging and Acuity Scheduling for client and prospect scheduling. In addition, there will be multiple examples of how I use these apps in my business and how I’ve helped my clients implement the apps.

Session Objectives:
- How to navigate and productively use Asana, Slack and Acuity Scheduling.
- How project management, internal messaging and scheduling tools can boost business productivity.
- Ways to implement these apps in businesses of all sizes.

This presentation will include the live training on Asana, Slack and Acuity Scheduling as well as case studies from use with my clients and in my own business.

Apps have become an essential part of our lives, and it is crucial for the productivity industry to keep up-to-date with the “latest and greatest.” This presentation will benefit organizing and productivity professionals who work with business clients and/or want to be more efficient and productive in their own company.

Speaker: Jennifer Stewart
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021