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Student Organizing - The What, Why, and Is It for You? (CR1-736)

Come along and learn what student organizing is all about and in particular how it is so much more than just organizing and time management. Understand the many important elements for students (and their families) and see if it might be an opportunity for you to grow and expand your current business or maybe to go in an entirely different direction altogether.

Session Objectives:
- Develop a basic understanding of the world of student organizing and the elements to it
- Gain an insight into the importance for students in terms of both study and life
- Decide if it is likely to be a niche or business area of interest to explore further

Attendees Receive:
Top 10 tips of what to do and not to do in establishing and growing a student organizing business

Speaker: Amanda Lecaude
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021