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How Google Analytics Can Guide Better Connections with Clients and Prospects (CR3-735)

At first glance you might be intimidated by Google Analytics, but by the end of this session you’ll discover the treasure trove of insights at your fingertips. You’ll learn where to find the most important numbers essential to making decisions to save money and get more clients.

Session Objectives:
- Marketing tactics to connect with your clients and prospects
- Discover any marketing tactics that are draining resources so you can invest your time and money elsewhere
- Find your own baseline and track your growth
- Be comfortable logging in to Google Analytics even if you aren’t a “numbers” person

Your data can guide your decisions to maximize your precious time and money so you can focus on making valuable connections with your clients and prospects. By the end of this session you might even think data is fun!

Speaker: Michelle Tresemer
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021