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Grow Your Company (and Revenue) by Building an Awesome Team (CR3-722)

Learn the ins and outs of crafting a great team that gives you room for growth for your organizing or productivity business.
Having employees gives you the opportunity to ramp up your revenue because you are making money on your team members, not just on your own billable rate. However, this can be challenging if you've not done it before!
Your employees reflect you when they are working with clients or vendors, and so many of us hire without really thinking through our needs or what will really be the best for the company. Your team should be well trained, hard working, dedicated, and be an amazing representative of everything you have worked so hard to create. You have the opportunity in this session to learn from all of my mistakes.

Session Objectives:
- Clearly define your company staffing needs plus craft detailed and accurate job descriptions
- Develop a company culture that truly reflects you, your company, and your future goals
- Learn specific techniques to increase revenue
- Create a structure for onboarding and training new team members in your company systems, processes and methodology
- Best practices for maintaining and retaining team members along with what has really worked for my own company straight from the mouths of my team

Speaker: Liz Jenkins
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021