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G Suite Boot Camp: Running Your Business Using Free Google Tools (CR1-720)

Google’s powerful suite of free tools gives you the ability to run your business efficiently in the cloud. This “boot camp” will teach you the essentials of using G Suite. You’ll do some core work (Docs, Drive, and Sheets), strength training (Forms, My Business, Keep, and Tasks), sculpting (Slides and Sites), and learn some tips to get your Calendar and Gmail in peak working condition. Make sure you have your laptop and a sweat towel.

Session Objectives:
- Explain the advantages of using cloud-based tools
- Create, share, and organize a Google Doc
- Create a Google Sheet and learn to use basic operations such as sorting, filtering, and pivot tables
- Use Google Forms to automate business processes
- Set up a Google My Business account for your business
- Use Google Drive for cloud file storage
- Create a website for your business with Google Sites
- Manage workflow with Google Calendar, Google Tasks, and Google Keep
- Create a presentation for your business with Google Slides

Speakers: Angie and Eric Hyche
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021