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Managing Difficult Clients with Clear Boundaries (CR2-719)

Whether you're new to the organizing profession or a seasoned veteran, we all run into difficult clients and agonize over dealing with them in a kind but firm manner. Identifying, setting, and maintaining clear boundaries is key.
In this session, we'll examine several case studies and attendees will participate on how they would handle the situation. I'll reveal how I handled each situation, highlighting what to do, what not to do, and how to implement those clear boundaries.

Session Objectives:
- Identify, set, and maintain clear boundaries for all clients.
- Learn to recognize difficult clients in advance through case studies, so you see the red flags early on, and can determine how to handle the situation.
- What to do once you've begun working with a client and you now realize it's no longer a good fit (i.e. how to exit gracefully and kindly).
- Walk away feeling more confident in your ability to handle any client relationship and enforce your boundaries.

Speaker: Lauren Mang, CPO®
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021