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Yikes! I'm 60(ish). Diversify and Continue Doing Work You Love! (CR1-717)

We love what we do, but as we mature (and for other reasons too) some of us are ready to change how we work. This session provides an overview of services less physically demanding and currently offered by four long-time productivity and organizing professionals who are older or thinking ahead for when they will be—ideas for getting started, training opportunities, and marketing.

Attendees have an opportunity to form virtual mastermind groups with others interested in offering the same service.

Session Objectives
After attending this session, participants should be able to:
1. Know many options for less physically demanding services they can offer,
2. Build on ideas they’ll get for starting and marketing these services, and
3. Have the opportunity to start a virtual mastermind group with like-minded colleagues.

Instructors: Susan Kousek, CPO and Panelists: Ellen Faye, CPO, Janet Schiesl, CPO & Hazel Thorton
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021