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OD2-205 Organizing: Eyes Toward Redesign

Course Description
Organizing: Eyes Toward Redesign will teach you the basic steps of interior design including furniture placement, lighting and accessorizing. The course will give you confidence to share (and charge) your clients for this added skill.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn basic design skills such as furniture placement, lighting, art and accessorizing so you can confidently share them with your clients.
  2. Gain extra billable hours from clients who already know and trust you.
  3. Utilize all that you learn to implement in your own home and office.

Dawn Falcone
Total Time: 1 hour
CEUs: 1.0

Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.