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Person to Person: How To Build Your Referral Business

Free Member Webinar
Ask the Pro Series


Have you ever thought, "I do great work and I provide a wonderful service, so WHY don't I get more referrals?"

Most business owners leave a lot of money on the table because they fail to leverage the full capacity of the relationships they've worked so hard to develop. Join us on this episode of Ask The Pro, as we explore the EIGHT referral sources you may be missing and how to get others to refer you to their friends and associates, so you can keep your client pipeline full!

Goals & Objectives
By attending this session, attendees will be able to...

  1. Identify the 8 components of their referral network
  2. Discover the biggest reasons why people don't refer them
  3. Learn new language for asking for referrals
  4. Understand what others need to know in order to refer them effectively

Michelle Donovan is the co-owner of Productivity Uncorked. She has been a referral and business coach for 18 years helping service providers to gain focus, overcome fears and achieve exceptional growth results. As a professional speaker, she has taken her message across the country from Boston to Anchorage for national conferences and regional meetings.

Michelle completed a Master's Degree in Adult Education and a Neuroscience Approach to Coaching certification program. She is an accomplished author with her first book, The 29% Solution, a Wall Street Journal Best Selling book now published in 7 languages.

Her most recent co-authored book A Woman's Way: Empowering Female Financial Advisors to Authentically Lead and Flourish in a Man's World quickly became an Amazon Best-Seller. She produces a weekly blog and has been published in numerous professional publications.