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Where's My Hamster? Resiliency and Productivity Strategies for You and Your Clients (3-5) (CR4-700)

Instructor: Janice Simon
Total Time: 1.5 hours
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2019

Course Description
When life happens, it sometimes seems to happen all at once and can become overwhelming and stressful for your clients. For you and your challenging needs clients, we will discuss ways to build up resiliency muscles long before a storm hits, what to do when there is a crisis, and how to get your hamster back on the wheel of productivity. Learn how to ask powerful questions through appreciative inquiry to get at the root of the issues your clients are facing. We also will do several interactive exercises you can use with your clients.

Learning Objectives
Learn the basics of building resiliency skills and coping mechanisms in yourself and others.
Explore the use of powerful questions via appreciative inquiry with your challenging needs clients.
Discover the ABC method of staying mentally strong and practical ways to put those steps into action.
Learn what you need to have a resilient team and working relationship.

Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.