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How's Your Bottom Line? (3-1) (CR4-696)

Instructor: Kate Martin
Total Time: 1.5 hours
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2019

Course Description
The day to day tasks of being a business owner tend to overwhelm even the most organized among us. So what happens when you lose sight of your bottom line? In this session, we will learn how to use templates in our businesses to gain productivity and better measure and plan for our own success. Attendees will be provided with P&Ls, P&Ps, budgets and more, specifically geared towards Productivity Consultants and Professional Organizers.

Learning Objectives
1. Recognize how to productively track, measure, and plan for a successful future for ourselves, not just our clients.
2. Identify the top input and output sources for your business’ bottom line.
3. Discover how to use multiple templates to improve processes and eliminate confusion and time wasted during daily tasks.