2024 September Solutions Room: Password Management


2024 September Solutions Room: Password Management
IRS Program #:
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0342
CE: 1 IRS and 1 CTEC credit
Speaker: Brad Messner, MBA, CBSA, EA

With the need for more complex password policies across systems & websites, a strategy is required to manage both. We will discuss policies and applications to assist with document and password management. A WISP Supplement and Sample Configurations will be provided.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of complex password policies.
  • Learn strategies for managing passwords across systems.
  • Explore password management applications.
  • Implement password management solutions effectively.
  • Understand documentation's role in enforcing policies.
  • Review WISP supplements and sample configurations.
  • Discuss best practices and compliance.

September 12, 2024
Thu 4:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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