2024 October NTPI Grad Class


NTPI Grad Class - Calculating the Collection Statute Expiration Date
IRS Program #: X9QQU-T-01189-24-O
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0343
CE: 2 IRS & 2 CTEC credits
Speaker: Clarice Landreth

This webinar is geared towards our NTPI Fellows, but all are welcome to join!

The collection statute of limitations is one of the critical items a tax representative must understand to represent a taxpayer with an outstanding tax liability properly. During this session, we will discuss the collection statute and what actions taken by a taxpayer (representative) will extend the statute. We will analyze transcripts to determine the CSED.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the period of time the Internal Revenue Service has to collect a tax liability.
  • Identify events that toll the collection statute.
  • Locate entries on the transcripts that indicate a tolling event.


  • Clarice Landreth, EA

    Clarice Landreth is an enrolled agent who works at Omni Tax Solutions in Broomfield, CO. She has over 20 years of experience representing taxpayers before the IRS. She is currently the chair of the NAEA NTPI Planning Committee and a current speaker at NAEA’s events and for the NTPI program. She is an expert in tax resolution including Offers in Compromise and Trust Fund Recovery Penalty.

October 1, 2024
Tue 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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