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Sales/Purchase of Business


Adv Bus Cert Program: Sales/Purchase of a Business – 2 CE Federal Tax
IRS Program #: X9QQU-T-01143-24-O
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0303
CE: 2 IRS and 2 CTEC credits
Speaker: David Woods, EA, USTCP

Tax practitioners hold a special role when it comes to the advisory process of when a business buys and/or sells a business. This program will look at the options and consequences of those options from the perspective of both the buyer and the seller when it comes to the purchase or sale of a business. Areas covered will include the sale of stock, sale of assets, and various statutory and regulatory elections available in the sale as well as the tax compliance and results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what the tax implications are with the purchase and sale of stock
  • Understand what the tax implications are with the purchase and sale of assets
  • Learn about the taxpayer elections to treat a stock sale as an asset sale
  • Identify and apply the code to special provisions associated with the sale of certain stock.


  • David Woods, EA

    David Woods, EA is a licensed Enrolled Agent and NTPI Fellow. With nearly 25 years of tax preparation experience, David specializes in individual, partnership, corporate, fiduciary. taxation, and tax controversy. David graduated from Northeastern University with a master’s degree in taxation.

August 6, 2024
Tue 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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