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Asset Purchases - Sec. 212 Expenses


Adv Bus Cert Program: Asset Purchases - Sec. 212 Expenses– 2 CE Federal Tax
IRS Program #: X9QQU-T-01140-24-O
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0301
CE: 2 IRS and 2 CTEC credits
Speaker: Jane Ryder EA, CPA

§212 doesn’t get a lot of attention post-TCJA. This course will introduce the viewer to possibilities for the application of this code section that may still be applicable in the context of deductions still allowable for individuals.

Learning Objectives:

  • Knowing what §212 does
  • Application of §212 to various expenses
  • Hidden planning opportunities for the use of expenses allowed under §212 in a post-TCJA world


  • Jane Ryder, EA, CPA

    Jane Ryder, EA, CPA, has been providing tax preparation, accounting services, and tax collection resolution services since 1980. She runs her San Diego CPA firm, Brass Tax Ryder Professional Group, Inc., and writes and speaks on many income taxes, business compliance, and accounting topics. She received a BS in Business Administration (Accounting) from SDSU and is currently licensed with the California State Board of Accountancy and with the Internal Revenue Service as an enrolled agent.

    Jane has a business-centric practice, preparing and consulting on tax, accounting, and compliance matters for Corporations, S-corporations, LLC's, Partnerships, and Trusts. She also specializes in IRS and state agencies collection problems, payment plans, audit representation, audit appeals, offers in compromise, and other compliance related issues.

August 5, 2024
Mon 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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