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2022 Data Security Plan Update: WISP Changes

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2022 Data Security Plan Update: WISP Changes
IRS Program #:
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0118
CE: 1 IRS credit & 1 CTEC credit (for live attendance only), or 1 IRS credit (for on-demand)
Speaker: A.J Reynolds, EA

Under the FTC Safeguards Rule, financial institutions must protect the consumer information they collect. The Gramm-Leach-Biley (GLB) Act of 1999 requires companies defined under the law as “financial institutions” to ensure the security and confidentiality of this type of information. The “financial institutions” definition includes professional tax preparers.

When completing the annual renewal of a tax professionals PTIN, part of the process is a separate page called “Understand your data security responsibilities”. This section states the following:

Paid tax return preparers must have a data security plan and system security protections for all taxpayer information. You must check a box confirming that you aware of this responsibility before finalizing the PTIN renewal process.
Join us on this fast paced but Vital webinar explaining what resources are available and to assist you in developing and or reviewing your Data Security Plan.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the Data Security Plan requirements
  • Examine IRS publication 4557
  • Investigate the newly provided IRS Written Information Security Plan (WISP)
  • Furnish examples of such plans

Continuing Education
This course qualifies for IRS Continuing Education Hours. NAEA reports IRS CE on a monthly basis. If you have not received your CE Hours in your IRS PTIN Account by the end of the month after receiving the certificate, please contact NAEA at

Webinar Refund Policy
To request a refund, contact the NAEA education team via email at An NAEA education team member will review the request for refund. If the refund request has been approved, the refund will be refunded on the same method of purchase. Live Webinars, also offered On-Demand Webinars will not be refunded.