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Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program: Reducing Substance Use Disorders

Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program: Reducing Substance Use Disorders
A Recorded Webinar
Recorded on Wednesday, January 17, 2018

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In July 2014, CMS launched the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP), a collaborative between the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). The goal of IAP is to improve the health and health care of Medicaid beneficiaries and to reduce costs by supporting states’ ongoing payment and delivery system reforms. As part of a strategy to improve the care and outcomes for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), CMS invites states to leverage IAP resources to introduce system reforms that better identify individuals with a SUD, expand coverage for effective SUD treatment, and enhance SUD practices delivered to beneficiaries. Based on feedback from states and partners, IAP designed a technical support strategy that reflect the keystones of SUD program innovation, including the use of quality metrics and data analytics, benefit design and provider strategies, and value-based purchasing for SUD. This webinar provides an overview of the IAP SUD program area, including recent efforts and upcoming opportunities, and highlights ways to engage in Medicaid SUD delivery system reform.
Learning Objectives
  • Gain an understanding of the IAP SUD program area.
  • Learn about upcoming opportunities for involvement with the IAP.
  • Understand how to become engaged in Medicaid SUD delivery system reform.

Tyler Sadwith

Tyler Sadwith is a Health Insurance Specialist at the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and lead for the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) initiative on Reducing Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The Medicaid IAP, launched in 2014, provides technical support to states’ ongoing Medicaid delivery system reform efforts across programmatic areas such as physical-mental health integration; community-based LTSS; and substance use disorders. Before his work on IAP, Sadwith served at the CMS San Francisco Regional Office where he led efforts to implement the Medicaid provisions of the Affordable Care Act and provide technical assistance to the California Medicaid agency. Sadwith first joined CMS in 2011, when he served in the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation with a focus on designing, launching and implementing the Partnership for Patients, a national HHS-led patient safety campaign working with over 4,000 hospitals across the country.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius diam id nisi rhoncus tempor in non quam. Fusce congue id massa ac finibus. Nulla rhoncus sapien vitae lacus pharetra faucibus. Etiam bibendum interdum tellus interdum dictum. Integer nec e citur mi, eleifend dictum ipsum. Suspendisse a quam consequat dolor auctor placerat. Ut sollicitudin finibus orci condimentum vestibulum. Aenean non interdum tortor.

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Who Should Attend
Addiction professionals, employee assistance professionals, social workers, mental health counselors, professional counselors, psychologists, and other helping professionals that are interested in learning about addiction-related matters.
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