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Online Course: Infants & Toddlers with Challenging Behaviors: Observing our Internal & External Worlds

Online Course Training Title
Infants & Toddlers with Challenging Behaviors: Observing our Internal & External Worlds

Topic Area's Included
Infant/young child development and behavior; Developmental guidance; Observation & listening; Responding with empathy; Supporting others; Listening

This training will call upon reflective functioning to think about ways in which we observe young children with challenging behaviors and how we respond. We will think about our implicit biases, behaviors that trigger our own emotional reactions, and how our bodies respond when observing children; learn about developmental milestones for children birth to 36 months; and offer strategies to support children with challenging behaviors. This training includes personal reflection and case studies to support the learner in applying this knowledge to their work. Participants will also have access to handouts to support their learning.

Kelsi Robertson, LMSW, IECMH-E®

Training Video Length: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Learning Objectives - Participants will be able to:

  1. Reflect on how we bring ourselves to observation of young children.
  2. Become familiar with infant/toddler social/emotional developmental milestones.
  3. Identify strategies to support social/emotional development in infants/toddlers and address challenging behaviors.

Content Level:

Beginning level courses introduce learners to a content area; include information about a condition, treatment method, or issue; and involve learning and comprehending content.

Intermediate level courses provide information that builds on knowledge practitioners with some experience already have. These courses focus on skill- ACE Handbook 4/1/2019 17 | Page building or adding knowledge, possibly following a brief overview of basic information, and involve using information in concrete situations and understanding the underlying structure of the material.

Continuing Education Information - 1.5 training hours:
Social Work - Approved for 1.5 Michigan SW CEU’s
IMH Endorsement® - Will count towards the requirements for the MI-AIMH Endorsement®
SCECHs: This training offers State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) for those with educator certification in Michigan. To receive SCECHs, you will need to provide your PIC and MiRegistry numbers when you created your MI-AIMH RELATE User Account. If you did not add those items you can go back to add those items or email to have those added. In order to receive SCECHs, individuals must also have a MiRegistry account. If you need to create an account to go and click on Create Account. There is a video and guide on the Resources tab as well:

MI-AIMH Endorsement Competencies: Infant/young child development and behavior; Observation & listening

NOTE - Certificates will only be available once you have passed the Quiz and completed your survey.

Webinar Fee: $25.00, credit card only

  1. Click on the ADD TO CART button below to purchase
  2. If you do not see an ADD TO CART button - you are likely not signed in - click the Sign In link at the top right of your screen
  3. Once purchased, you will receive a receipt that will also have a link back to the course
  4. By accessing and viewing this recording, you agree to not screen record, take screen shots or pictures, release and share with others.
Course Access: Once purchased, you can access the course 24/7 using any of the following options:
  1. The page will refresh and there will be a link back to the course
  2. You will receive an emailed receipt with a link back to the course
  3. You can click on the home page of MI-AIMH RELATE, scroll down and you will see the trainings and courses you have purchased.  You MUST be signed in!
  4. You can always click on your name in the upper right (MUST be signed in) and can access any training/course you have purchased.
  5. If you have any questions, please email
Webinar fee may be paid by Credit Card ONLY.

You will need to be signed in to access recordings - take a look at the top right corner: If your name is showing, you are signed in already! If your name is not showing, click "Sign In" and enter your information

Viewing On-Demand Trainings Process:

STEP 1. After you view the recording, a box will appear: Click "Go To Next Item " to take the quiz

STEP 2. After passing the quiz, a box will appear: Click "Go To Next Item " to complete the survey

STEP 3. After completing the survey, your certificate will be available

Refund policy: Refund requests must be made in writing to  Refunds will only be issued if the video has not been viewed for longer than 15 minutes.

These workshops were supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDGB-5), Grant Number 90TP0055, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.