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eBook: Finding the ROI in Industrie 4.0 Projects

Download this eBook to get an extensive list of ideas and advice about how to deliver real value from your Smart Manufacturing/Industrie 4.0 project.

This eBook is based on discussions from The Road Less Travelled Workshop at Industry of Things World in Berlin September 2018. Discussions at the workshop centered around five specific topics, with participants discussing the issues faced, ideas and solutions used to address the issues, and the critical takeaways for each.

Each topic started with a basic premise: while there are many reasons an Industrie 4.0 project may fail—it can go over budget, fall behind schedule, be rejected by the end users, be too complicated, or not work as advertised—there is only one way it can be successful. It must add real value to the manufacturing company.

Date Published:
May 2019